Monday, December 13, 2010

highlights of draw a day.

haven't updated cause of that, but here are some highlights of this damn draw a day.

Day 1: a crappy start i say by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

first day sucked ass, i thought it was ok, but i lied to myself.

Day 6: chibi mist by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

Day 6 we can see some improvements, most noticeably the eyes, so i was doing something right.

Day 11: Seraphim casting magic by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

Day 11 i can draw hands a bit easier, and its looking pretty good so far.

Day 18: Sera floating by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

Day 18, better, and i screwed up the legs but oh well, once you ink it you can't ink it out.

Day 21: seraphim again by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

and this was todays, about 11 hours ago, so yeah.

anyway, i think i'm improving, by alot...yay so i'll give you another update once i hit like day 40 or 50.

till then folks, till then.