Monday, December 13, 2010

highlights of draw a day.

haven't updated cause of that, but here are some highlights of this damn draw a day.

Day 1: a crappy start i say by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

first day sucked ass, i thought it was ok, but i lied to myself.

Day 6: chibi mist by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

Day 6 we can see some improvements, most noticeably the eyes, so i was doing something right.

Day 11: Seraphim casting magic by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

Day 11 i can draw hands a bit easier, and its looking pretty good so far.

Day 18: Sera floating by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

Day 18, better, and i screwed up the legs but oh well, once you ink it you can't ink it out.

Day 21: seraphim again by ~somerandomguy25 on deviantART

and this was todays, about 11 hours ago, so yeah.

anyway, i think i'm improving, by alot...yay so i'll give you another update once i hit like day 40 or 50.

till then folks, till then.

Monday, November 29, 2010

draw a day.

basically, i need to improove on drawing, no doubt about that.

so in order to do that, i'm drawing one picture a day, just to get better. im not going to post the pictures here, but you can see it on my DA page.

thats were the gallery is at for this even, so till then folks, hope you enjoy it.

Friday, November 19, 2010

new character done.

well new to you people, but another character i made or design, whatever you call it, its the same right? anyway i re-drew her as a update from the old design from 2 years ago, but i think it turned out nicely.

took about 3-4 hours because of the shading, still getting the hang on it.

also the characters name is Aura, very original huh?

Friday, November 5, 2010

DVD Cover.

i know that i'm going into video game design, but i can still do other designs, and this just kinda shows off my Photoshop skills. anyway its the Saw 3D movie DVD, but i called it 7 cause it is the seventh movie of the series.

hope you enjoy mates.

mostly bad news mates.

so a few days ago, my computer bit the dust, so i'm using one that a friend gave me, now its not the best, but it's going to get the job done. i know its a bit late but ya, i had to install the Photoshop stuff again, SP3 crashed on me a few times, so that took about 2 days to fix, and all sorts of stuff.

this also means i lost most of my work, so that kinda sucks. but i do have a DA page which i call my back up stuff. of course it also has other artwork that has nothing to do with game design, but its better then nothing right? i'll post a link here.

also if you want to follow me on twitter when i post something new on DA or here perhaps, just look for my user name, which is the same as my DA name, Somerandomguy25.

i currently don't have a FB page for my work, so you know, i might make one shortly.

till then folks, till then.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

some photos i like

i like this photo because its a fantasy type photo, it can't really happen, but it's basically what if this happened sort of thing if you think about it, it shows the imagination of it i guess.

the reason why i like this photo is because of the coloring of the clouds, and its a sunset, they both fit. i like how the clouds look and the color of it, im a big sucker with colors i guess.

its another sunset, but this time you see the sun, and the clouds look different. again i like the coloring, but how the cloud looks on this one steal the picture for me, just how they look with the combination of the sun and the color.

this picture i like because of the background and how the wolf is position. thats about it, can't really say why i like it, i just do.

i really like the color on this one, but i also like how the background is blurry, and only focusing on the plant. i also like the lighting.

some characters and designs.

yup, here are some characters and some design of the same character. some of these are about a month old, some are not (one is about 2 weeks) so yeah. anyway two of the picture has Violet, who is a beast tribe member. both have different standing poses, so thats good. another one has Mist and Aqua, Mist is on the left and Aqua is on the right. the last one has another design for Mist, so she has two designs. and i know i said i would post some maps, but well..i have about 10-20 pages of them, so i need to photoshop them in and connect them together. but thats bout it for now, im working on another character, so stay tune and what not.

Friday, October 15, 2010

some monster design.

i got one done, and i censor it due to reasons, so ya know, and got some rough drafts there for some monster ideas.

going to upload a bunch of maps soon, so be ready for that!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mimic...penciled only

im in the middle of inking it, on Photoshop with a tablet, its a long process cause i sketch instead of trace. (i need to zoom in 300 percent cause of that problem)

anyway, first version of the Mimic for a game im making, i'll post more monsters soon.

this was a picture that i did for someone who requested it, and as you can tell, I'm not all that great drawing people, or in a sort of anime style, and this is my style, but its better then most of my other people drawing. done in Photoshop and stuff.