Friday, November 5, 2010

mostly bad news mates.

so a few days ago, my computer bit the dust, so i'm using one that a friend gave me, now its not the best, but it's going to get the job done. i know its a bit late but ya, i had to install the Photoshop stuff again, SP3 crashed on me a few times, so that took about 2 days to fix, and all sorts of stuff.

this also means i lost most of my work, so that kinda sucks. but i do have a DA page which i call my back up stuff. of course it also has other artwork that has nothing to do with game design, but its better then nothing right? i'll post a link here.

also if you want to follow me on twitter when i post something new on DA or here perhaps, just look for my user name, which is the same as my DA name, Somerandomguy25.

i currently don't have a FB page for my work, so you know, i might make one shortly.

till then folks, till then.

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